Archive for category rass kass

[DreamPod] ¡Mayday! x Dice Raw x Rass Kass "Make A Livin"

Pure dopeness. Dice Raw x Rass Kass was enough! Also, I’m a big fan of ¡Mayday! and of course, they’re home grown so it’s only right.

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New New [Music] Rass Kass "Release Yourself" [DOPE.!]

“Too dope…the DA might confiscate my words….” “A.D.I.D.A.S. [All Day I Dream of Spittin’]” is coming soon……CAN’t WAIT…..i F*ck with Kass…
Props to

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[Mixtape Love] Rass Kass "The Endangered Lyricist (Volume 2)"

16 Classic tracks from the GREAT RASS KASS! If you have’nt heard of him, Google or Wiki, then download this mixtape and step your hip-hop game up! Here you go!

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