Archive for category harvey miller

New [Music] Harvey Miller x Waka Flocka "Gangsta Nerd"

“Gangsta Nerd”….Interesting! Well the title is self explanatory. Harvey features Waka Flocka on his new single which is basically an explanation of both sides to his persona. So who is Harvey Miller? Peep this exerpt from his EPK sent over from my friends at iBlog126:
“Who is Harvey Miller?
Pop. Rock. Hip Hop. Harvey Miller (born February 26, 1984, in Orangeburg, SC) is the real life illustration of alternative music in the industry. When it comes to entertainment, Harvey Miller is a musical brain child. Harvey is the product of a producing genius’ imagination. The eclectic chameleon has used his musical vault of well-tuned talent to develop his unique sound. Harvey accredits his time overseas as the inspiration that led him to appreciate being different, being bold—being Harvey Miller.”

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