Archive for category doug e. fresh

[News] Doug E. Fresh Talks "Teach Me How To Dougie" x Future Collabs

Doug E. Fresh has been exciting the crowds since he had a curly flattop and a Bally’s jacket — the man just doesn’t age. Not only does he remain a relevant performer 30 years later by touring around the globe all year ’round, but his younger peers are keeping his name on the radio by putting his moniker in their songs.

Lil’ Wil dropped “My Dougie” — which, of course, is slang for being fresh — a couple of years ago, and in 2010, the youngsters have been all about the Cali Swag District dance anthem “Teach Me How to Dougie.”

“I look at it as a blessing,” Fresh said about getting props from a younger generation of artists.

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