Archive for category diss

[Blank Stare] Gloria Velez Calls Nicki a "Build A B*tch" In "Roger That DISS/FREESTYLE"

Sooooooo Glo was really serious about this huh? I still don’t think she has ANY right but….i must admit it entertaining to say the least.! NICKI PLEASE ANSWER BACK.!!! Anyway Listen to Gloria Velez’ “Roger That” Freestyle [Nicki Diss] HERE.
P.S. Who ELSE thinks this is just Misses Velez’ desperate attempt to launch or rather revive her rap career? ::raises hands::

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[Video] Baltimore Rapper KEYS GOES IN ON A DISS FOR Nicki Minaj.!

OMG.! Ok I dont know who Keys is or where the heck her animosity for Nicki comes from but this ish is HILARIOUS. I’m not gonna lie, I f*cks with Nicki, the girl KIND of makes some points..[LOL]. Anyway, watch for yourselves.! [SMH.]
[Video courtesy of]

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