Archive for category da kennel

New New [Music] Da Kennel "Model" [By Way of Akron, Ohio]

Shout out to Shay of Steal The Scene for this one.
Besides Cleveland, I bet you didnt think Ohio had a hood.! Check these boys out….here’s a little info on them via Shay:
Hailing from Akron, Ohio, Da Kennel is determined to put their city on map. As a nine -man collective compiled of 6 rappers and 3 in house producers, they have the breeding ground for something real and worth the listen. While Unknown, Mage, Gram Citi, Skillz McNeilla, Kuntry, and Leland Ray bring out the groups lyricism; Dat Boi Pizz, Rip Rugga, and J.C. provide the music that allows them to showcase the bark and the bite that makes them Da Kennel.  Already drawing comparisons to other successful all male collectives like the St. Lunatics, Da Kennel looks forward to setting themselves a part and showcasing their talent.
For more info:

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