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[Fashion] Last Rights Inc || #TheNewMiami T-Shirt Contest

Since Last Rights came on the scene, we have always stayed true to our roots and represented the great city of Miami to the fullest. We are extremely proud and excited to see THE NEW MIAMI movement that is taking place right now. Having a group of young, talented, and very hungry individuals at the forefront, there is no way that the arts of Miami will ever be overlooked…
That being said, it is only right that we get the people involved in deciding which of these shirts should be produced. After all Last Rights is here for the YOU. With out your support we are nothing. We will be producing whichever design wins on both black and white T’s…
Take the time to vote and make a difference! And remember, this is just the beginning!

In case you’re late….#TheNewMiami is the latest movement of music and musical endeavors comprised of all Miami/Broward County artists and their teams who dare to be different….the revolution may not be televised as of yet BUT at least we are getting a t-shirt.!! Big ups to Last Rights and VOTE for #TheNewMiami colorway TODAY.!

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