Archive for category common wealth family

[Wake Up x Peep This.!] Pittsburgh’s The Common Wealth Family

Allow me to introduce to you Pittsburgh’s own The Common Wealth Family, a group of eclectic hip-hop heads here to make their mark in the music world. I was first introduced to them through their PR, the beautiful Tsippy Waterman who opened the flood gates when she mention the title of their debut album, “Disco Lemonade”. Wouldn’t that title leave you yearning to learn more? Their sound is like LMFAO meets the South and makes for an interesting listen. So as I introduce you to Pittsburgh proclaimed BEST Underground Artists R.i. Double, Mose Butch, [gR], and Roscoe Wiki, I need you to take a listen because a takeover seems eminent in the near future. Check out their single [and my favorite] “Rollin With A Star”.
For more information on The Common Wealth Family:

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