Archive for category christina aguilera

[Video] Christina Aguilera "You Lost Me"


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New New [Music] Christina Aguilera "Elastic Love" [Written by M.I.A.]

I actually like this track. Its a different vibe for X-Tina and bonus points for having M.I.A. on the track! I’m looking forward to “Bionic” this June.

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[Things That Make You Go Hmm.?] X-Tina x Nicki Minaj "WooHoo" Produced by Polow Da Don

I’m trying to decide how or if I like this…..Christina’s “Back To Basics” was one of the best albums I ever purchased and now…..well I don’t know….listen to the Genie In the Bottle and the Harajuku Barbie go in about their….[insert explicative].
Props to

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[Video] Christina Aguilera "Not Myself Tonight" [Who the F*CK Is She In This Video?]

Song: B
Video: C-

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[Flick] Christina Aguilera "Bionic" [Album Cover]

I am so GEEKED that she’s coming back.! “Bionic” is due in stores June 8th and the lead single, “Not Myself Tonight” (produced by Polow da Don and Esther Dean) will debut on at 6PM.! I’m SO EXCITED.!

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