Archive for category black history month

Throwback Thursday: [Black History Month] Photos: Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou born Marguerite Ann Johnson: “America’s most visible black female autobiographer”, author, actress, poet and inspiration. Maya is an icon, making her marks from the literary world with groundbreaking novels such as “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings”, all the way to cinema with roles in Alex Haley’s miniseries “Roots” and “Madea’s Family Reunion”. Composer of movie scores, civil rights activist, the definition of a renaissance woman. Look at these photos of her, a short chronicle of her life.
[young Maya at a photoshoot in the 50s]

[Young Maya]
[a little older at an interview]

[afro-american pride event]

[Dr. Maya Angelou.]

[recent picture courtesy of]

[Best known Novel]
Thank you Maya, for being an inspiration and a powerful figure not in just BLACK HISTORY but AMERICAN history.
Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it destination full of hope.”– Maya Angelou

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