Archive for category amber rose

[Flicks] Amber Rose’s "Amber In Wonderland" Cover x Spread in Cream Magazine

Official photos of Amber Rose’s cover and feature shoot for Cream World’s upcoming Summer 2010 Issue.
The theme was “Amber’s Wonderland”, a take on “Alice in Wonderland”. The issue hits Canadian newsstands this month and will be available to American readers @
Photos by Rohan Laylor, makeup by Stephanie Flores, styling by Stylist Maha. –City On My Back
More photos:
Love it….you go Amber girl!

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[Flicks] Amber Rose’s YRB Magazine Spread [Interview Excerpts Included]

Check out the pics from Amber’s recent spread with YRB Mag as well as some highlights of her interview. Props to Bossip.
She looks FAB….like Gaga meets Madonna meets Marilyn!

Amber’s Childhood in Philly:
“I grew up very poor, raised by a single mother. We didn’t have much as far as material things, but we had love and we had fun all the time. She raised me to have confidence and always taught me to be humble no matter what God brought my way… I’m confident in everything I do in life.”

Amber’s Preference: Man or Woman –
“The thing that people don’t understand when it comes to a relationship with a man or woman is that it’s not about sex at all, even though that’s the first thing that pops in your head. It’s about the love and the vibe you get from the person, and I believe you can find that in anyone.”

Amber’s Celebrity Status:
“Well, I don’t look at myself as [a celebrity]. I’m just a dope chick from South Philly… It’s crazy when fans come up to me and cry and just want a hug from me. It bugs me out! But it’s really cool… But there’s no privacy – that’s the only thing that overwhelms me. Every time I see a light flash I think it’s the paparazzi. Those fuckers give me anxiety.”

Thoughts on Kanye West:
“Honestly, Kanye saved my life, and I don’t even think about what I would have been; I just think about what I’m gonna be…”

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[Video] Nicki Minaj x Sean Garrett "Massive Attack"

Grades: Video: B+ Song: D
Plus side: AMBER ROSE.!!!! Enjoy!

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[Flicks] Nicki Minaj x Amber Rose on the Set of "Massive Attack"

Nicki hasn’t even released the single yet but “Massive Attack” is on the high anticipated video list. Check out the flicks of her and the future Mrs. West on the set.

Also here’s the snippet of the single from
What do you guys think?

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