Archive for category accessories

[Fashion] Cornelia Webb "Dressed" Jewelry Collection

I’m literally drooling over my keyboard right now! Cornelia Webb’s designs are dressed indeed! Stunning, breathttaking and unbelievably SICK! Check out some more:
LIKE I SAID….SICKKKKK! Hungry for more? VISIT:

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[Fashion] Ken x Dana Design B-Side "Graffiti 2.0" Collection

So I stumbled across this stuff as I was surfing the net and all I can say is CRACK. If youre a jewelry fiend with a funky personality then you’re going to love this look book from Ken x Dana’s Design B-Side. The “Graffiti 2.0” collection was inspired by New York City street graffiti….NICE….Peep more photos below:
 TO DIE FORRRRR! UGH!!!! I love it and I’m all over their site which you can visit by clicking HERE.
And for my dreamers in New York, there’s acually a LAUNCH PARTY going down September 1st in the city…ENLARGE the FLYER below to get details:
Photos via HighSnobiette.

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[Fashion] Melody Ehsani Autumn Collection

[This piece is called AIR ME.] 
I was soooo exxicted when I saw Melody tweet the announcement of a new site and new collection of accessories! She’s hands down my fave jewelry designer due to her innovative, creative and most importantly, affordable pieces! Check out these pieces via KarmaLOOP.
[Egyptian Horn Earring]
[Femme Fatale]
[Horace Connect]
SO dope and yes there is MORE!
To order visit:
And also follow MELODY on TWITTER!

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[Fashion] Good Wood Collabs With Don Cannon x Jeezy For New Pieces

Good Wood is on its way to becoming an accessory staple. Check out these customized pieces via Don Cannon and Jeezy. Ummmmmm I want one…..and I can’t wait for “Trap or Die 2”. Order these or customize a piece of your own HERE:

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