Archive for category ab-liva

New New [Music] Ab-Liva x iCAN "I Made It" [I LOVE The Re-Up Gang.!]

I love this track. I haven’t heard from Ab-Liva since the last ‘We Got For Cheap”…Check out what OnSmash had to say about their latest endeavor:
Ab Liva and iCan have been friends for years and have joined forces to form the ¥€$project (Yen.Euro.Dollar Sign). Ab Liva from The Re-Up Gang (Clipse albums, We Got It 4 Cheap series) and iCan both of Philly are putting together a project like no other. By not just being emcees but travelers of the world and different cultures, and enjoying the finer things in life in doing such gives a different dynamic than just rappers saying anything to a beat. With production from Illmind, Carvin & Ivan, Dilema and The Bill Collectors this collaboration is off to a great start. The first video coming from this project is “The Wire” and its a gritty hard record filmed in the streets of Philly with traces of the HBO show The Wire as a theme and backdrop. The next video called “I Made It” was shot in Las Vegas, during the Mayweather / Mosely weekend and should be out in a few weeks. ¥€$ is finishing up songs for a EP and should have videos for each one of the songs on it. Stay tuned theres alot more music to come, all you have to do is say ¥€$!

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